Saturday’s without football are like a car without wheels; fairly redundant and not exactly the most fun in the world. Today I’m going to see a mortgage adviser, get my hair cut, going for a run and then going to see my nan in hospital.

I hate hospitals. But then I think about Abou and feel for him. But then I also remember he was on £52k-per-week and realise that if I were him i’d be a millionaire. So it wouldn’t be all bad.

Unlike some of the leading questions that are said at Arsene’s press conferences. I don’t know why I bothered watching the video part of it this morning, because it just reinforced what I said last week about press conferences. Arsene was asked the most leading questions, purely designed to get a bit of clickbaiting going. Like “You’ve had two penalties all season. Leicester have had ten”. It’s not even a bloody question. It’s just two statements and then silence.

But that’s football journalism these days. It’s about satisfying the advertisers by getting clicks and hits.

He did say some things from his own prompting, including the fact that he thinks there might be more turns and that Arsenal could still win the league. I think we all know – he does too – that it is impossible now. Leicester are only a win and two draws away from getting physically more points than we could muster with a 100% record, so the idea that they won’t beat one of West Ham, Chelski, United, Everton or Swansesa is fairly farcical if you ask me.

So do we need to start looking at ourselves now? According to Arsene, not until the end of the season, but I certainly hope he’s not really taking that approach right now. To be fair to him, I don’t think he is and I suspect he’s already plotting what needs to be done in the summer, despite the front he puts on in his press conferences. He simply can’t be ignoring the fact that this season which promised so much and will deliver so little, is only worthy of analysis at the end of the season, can he? Unless he truly has become so myopic in his ways that he thinks that all is rosy in the Arsenal garden.

It’s not. Fan discontent is greater than at any time since I’ve known it and more people are turning away from him because they don’t believe that there is a ‘master plan’ any more. They just feel he lurches from one season to another. Sorry, they feel the club lurches from one season to another, with him as the captain steering the ship. There were some comments about how he’d said he won’t be changing too much of the core of the side, but having not physically seen the question asked live, i’m not sure I’m best placed to comment. Of course Arsene can’t make root and branch changes to the squad. He’s already got a host of players leaving due to their contracts being up, so why on earth would he sanction a fire sale? Given what happens last season, how do we even know that the club would even be able to bring in enough players? we’d probably end up with 16 first team players and have to populate the rest of the squad with the youth squad!

So no, I don’t think there will be wholesale changes, but there will need to be changes. We can’t have another summer in which the squad isn’t improved upon. Not unless we truly are stockpiling cash so Stan can land a jet in North London and shovel the capital in to his chartered flight for his new ventures in the US of A. Which let’s be honest, non of us are putting it past the pantomime mustached villain and his cacophony of ranches across the new world.

So what of Palace though? well apparently we’ve been practicing headers, so says Le Boss, which I’m glad we’ve waited until April to make that decision! I know he was being a little bit flippant with his response, so I thought i’d follow suit, but there certainly is something that needs to be done, because after seeing what that glorified tree did to us last weekend, I don’t fancy a former player just targeting our defensive back line by having diagonal balls pinged up to him. Thankfully Adebayor is not quite that type of player and will not only operate as a target man, but perhaps more thankfully, I don’t believe Monreal, Bellerin, Koscielny and Gabriel can be as bad as they were last Saturday. I know, I know, famous last words and all that!

We’ll just wait and see until tomorrow when we see the team sheet via social feeds, eh? Let’s hope Pardew doesn’t surprise Arsene by not picking the exact eleven our manager would like to see from Palace. I mean, what’s Arsene going to do if Hennessey ends up as a loan front man???

Catch y’all tomorrow.