5 01, 2018

Arsenal transfer apathy as a Maverick Piano Man drops in

By |2018-01-05T08:12:17+00:00January 5th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, Defence, gooners, Gunners, midfield|0 Comments

Arsenal formally announced their first signing of the January transfer window and, as we should really come to expect, it was a low-key 'one for the future' that was snapped in an Arsenal shirt. So who have we got? A Konstant Maverick Piano-man by the sound of it, from PAS Gianna, which proves that not [...]

5 01, 2018

Arsenal transfer apathy as a Maverick Piano Man drops in

By |2018-01-05T08:12:01+00:00January 5th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, Defence, gooners, Gunners, midfield|4 Comments

Arsenal formally announced their first signing of the January transfer window and, as we should really come to expect, it was a low-key 'one for the future' that was snapped in an Arsenal shirt. So who have we got? A Konstant Maverick Piano-man by the sound of it, from PAS Gianna, which proves that not [...]

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