24 07, 2024

Calafiori might spell Kiwior’s exit, but Arsenal don’t have to be forced into being lowballed…

By |2024-07-24T08:53:10+01:00July 24th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, Gunners, History, pre season, Transfers|0 Comments

The sloth edges ever closer to his tree, the perfect spot for his resting place... That's what it feels like with this Calafiori deal, eh? Last night another couple of journalists dropping the "here we go!" soundbites, in an eagerness to be the 'first past the post' in declaring a transfer confirmed. At this stage [...]

23 07, 2024

How is Arteta going to deploy Timber this season?

By |2024-07-23T09:06:39+01:00July 23rd, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

Howdy folks, hope we're all in fine fettle this Tuesday morning? The Arsenal 'squad' are in the US now and Arteta was interviewed ahead of the Bournemouth game tomorrow, as we prepare to take on Bournemouth in the early hours of the morning on Thursday UK time, which is the first time we've heard the [...]

22 07, 2024

Tomiyasu latest setback a cautionary tale re: Calafiori?

By |2024-07-22T08:58:31+01:00July 22nd, 2024|analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Mikel Arteta, pre season|1 Comment

Morning folks. Hope you're all good. Poor ol' Tomi, eh? Takehiro is not on tour with the rest of the squad over the next week and a bit because of a knee problem that some of the Arsenal journo's on the beat are saying relates to his knee. It means that he'll have two-to-three weeks [...]

8 07, 2024

The importance of pre-season prep work for The Arsenal

By |2024-07-08T09:17:20+01:00July 8th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, History, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

Morning folks, we all good? Well, as good as we can be given there's no football on at the moment and The Arsenal are still a solid six week's away until the proper stuff starts to kick in. I thought about going along to one of the friendlies we've got penned in for the beginning [...]

23 06, 2024

Big Bill and that spurious Barca link

By |2024-06-23T11:25:37+01:00June 23rd, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, finances, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Transfers|2 Comments

L:et's start of this morning with a little chuckle at this story that've seen this morning, suggesting that Barcelona are plotting an 'ambitious' bid for William Saliba. I'm sure Barca love the look of Big Bill - who wouldn't given he's just come off of another season in which he's proven himself to be one [...]

17 06, 2024

Arsenal can be firm on the Kiwior exit links

By |2024-06-17T08:58:46+01:00June 17th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Internationals, Transfers|3 Comments

Didn't bother blogging over the weekend because a) There wasn't really much Arsenal stuff to speak of, b) I spent a lot of the weekend mornings pretty hungover, and c) it was the Euro's so all the attention would be on that and I wanted to hold off talking about international football for as long [...]

10 06, 2024

Ramsdale rumblings, but Arsenal must stay firm on valuation

By |2024-06-10T07:48:27+01:00June 10th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, Transfers|0 Comments

This might end up being a short one today, mainly on account of there being little to chew over from an Arsenal perspective, other than spurious rumours. I saw talk yesterday that Arsenal won't be accepting anything other than £50million from Aaron Ramsdale. Good. Whether or not we get that remains to be seen, but [...]

19 05, 2024

Feeling proud of The Arsenal today – whatever the result

By |2024-05-19T10:05:48+01:00May 19th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, Defence, History, Match Preview, premier league|0 Comments

Bleugh. Drank too much last night and here I sit on a Sunday morning with a mixture of sore head through too much red wine, as well as butterflies in my stomach through what will transpire later on this afternoon, for which I need not remind you. It all comes down to this. As Arsenal [...]

17 05, 2024

A look at Arsenal’s opponents this weekend: Everton

By |2024-05-17T07:46:51+01:00May 17th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|2 Comments

Morning folks and welcome to the last Friday pre match ramble of this Premier League season. There will be plenty of time for a review of the season and reflect on how good it is, but much like those Arsenal players having to forget whatever happens in Manchester (although we're all 99.9% in the know [...]

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