26 07, 2024

Arteta all but confirms ESR’s exit, but does it lead to some amortisation goodness?

By |2024-07-26T08:52:41+01:00July 26th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, midfield, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

Happy Friday folks. For me it's a Friday in which I am slightly worse for wear, on account of going to Wembley Stadium to see The Boss (not Mikel) bust out his tunes, so naturally I had a few beers whilst listening to Bruce Springsteen. I gotta tell you, felt a little weird being in [...]

25 07, 2024

Calafiori goes Stateside, as ESR heads to West London

By |2024-07-25T08:51:06+01:00July 25th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, friendly, gooners, Gunners, midfield, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

As  somebody who didn't stay up until 3.30am this morning to watch the Arsenal versus Bournemouth friendly game that went on in the early hours of the morning (UK time), it's very difficult for me to make a proper assessment. I'll level with you; I haven't even seen the two goals scored in the 1-1 [...]

23 07, 2024

How is Arteta going to deploy Timber this season?

By |2024-07-23T09:06:39+01:00July 23rd, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

Howdy folks, hope we're all in fine fettle this Tuesday morning? The Arsenal 'squad' are in the US now and Arteta was interviewed ahead of the Bournemouth game tomorrow, as we prepare to take on Bournemouth in the early hours of the morning on Thursday UK time, which is the first time we've heard the [...]

22 07, 2024

Tomiyasu latest setback a cautionary tale re: Calafiori?

By |2024-07-22T08:58:31+01:00July 22nd, 2024|analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Mikel Arteta, pre season|1 Comment

Morning folks. Hope you're all good. Poor ol' Tomi, eh? Takehiro is not on tour with the rest of the squad over the next week and a bit because of a knee problem that some of the Arsenal journo's on the beat are saying relates to his knee. It means that he'll have two-to-three weeks [...]

19 07, 2024

A fit Gabby Jesus could be massive for The Arsenal next season

By |2024-07-19T08:43:09+01:00July 19th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season, premier league|0 Comments

So the players are back in training at London Colney and we're starting to get some vids and images of them knocking the ball around, preparing for the new season, which is enough to get your average Arsenal like me quite excited about what's to come over the next ten months or so. Gabriel Jesus [...]

17 07, 2024

Arsenal’s truncated transfer period

By |2024-07-17T07:39:23+01:00July 17th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season, Transfers|0 Comments

Just a few short days after the final and Gareth Southgate has decided to step down as England manager. And I always find the narrative in the media and on social media as quite interesting when this sort of stuff happens. Suddenly everyone is out saying what a fantastic job he did, how he did [...]

16 07, 2024

Smith Rowe could go, but do Arsenal need to watch the home grown situation?

By |2024-07-16T08:41:29+01:00July 16th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, pre season, Transfers|0 Comments

Morning folks and welcome to Tuesday, where the whirring of the transfer window appears to be up and running already, it seems. Last night it was Emile Smith Rowe's turn to be thrust into the spotlight, as Sky Sports ran with a story that Fulham and Palace are both interested in his signature. That's probably [...]

13 07, 2024

It feels like the Arsenal wheels are turning – the excitement starts to build here

By |2024-07-13T09:01:15+01:00July 13th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season|1 Comment

So the wheels seem to be in motion. Well, they've been in motion for a while on the players who are on the verge of exits - Sambi and Nuno - but this will be another sale by the club and I guess ultimately it all adds up. Sambi is off on a loan which [...]

12 07, 2024

The ‘no mans land’ part of the football calendar

By |2024-07-12T07:55:03+01:00July 12th, 2024|analogy, analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season, premier league|0 Comments

Ahh man, there really is bugger all on today from a football perspective, that's for sure, with the Euro's final not on until Sunday, The Arsenal not on for a few weeks on from that, plus the only real transfer news going on is stuff we've already been privy too, like Lokonga, Calafiore and Tavares. [...]

11 07, 2024

England surprise, but so do Arsenal, as Tavares deal looks a good one

By |2024-07-11T08:36:22+01:00July 11th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, Internationals, Transfers|0 Comments

Well, I have to say, I didn't expect that last night that's for sure. For year's I've been able to fall on my German family heritage as an excuse when it comes to having some skin in the game in the latter stages of international tournaments, but last night England completed their second back-to-back final [...]

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