25 07, 2024

Calafiori goes Stateside, as ESR heads to West London

By |2024-07-25T08:51:06+01:00July 25th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, friendly, gooners, Gunners, midfield, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

As  somebody who didn't stay up until 3.30am this morning to watch the Arsenal versus Bournemouth friendly game that went on in the early hours of the morning (UK time), it's very difficult for me to make a proper assessment. I'll level with you; I haven't even seen the two goals scored in the 1-1 [...]

22 07, 2024

Tomiyasu latest setback a cautionary tale re: Calafiori?

By |2024-07-22T08:58:31+01:00July 22nd, 2024|analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Mikel Arteta, pre season|1 Comment

Morning folks. Hope you're all good. Poor ol' Tomi, eh? Takehiro is not on tour with the rest of the squad over the next week and a bit because of a knee problem that some of the Arsenal journo's on the beat are saying relates to his knee. It means that he'll have two-to-three weeks [...]

8 07, 2024

The importance of pre-season prep work for The Arsenal

By |2024-07-08T09:17:20+01:00July 8th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, History, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

Morning folks, we all good? Well, as good as we can be given there's no football on at the moment and The Arsenal are still a solid six week's away until the proper stuff starts to kick in. I thought about going along to one of the friendlies we've got penned in for the beginning [...]

26 03, 2024

Saliba slighted, Rice rejoicing – the internationals still rumble on…

By |2024-03-27T05:34:26+00:00March 26th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, Internationals, midfield, premier league, Rant|0 Comments

Oh Didier....if you're gonna come for Big Bill Saliba, you better swing hard and true, because we Arsenal fans will have his back for sure! Of course I'm sure Deschamps couldn't give a monkeys about us and what we feel, but regardless of that, it does feel a little crass of him to make comments [...]

16 10, 2023

Is less games the answer for football?

By |2023-10-16T08:31:30+01:00October 16th, 2023|analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, finances, friendly, History, injuries, Internationals, premier league, Rant|0 Comments

Morning Gooners and happy Monday to you. I was in the Algarve over the weekend and so didn't have much chance to pen any thoughts, but as it was an international weekend that kind of worked out well for me, because Eddie Nketiah first England appearance aside in the last 20 minutes of the friendly [...]

13 09, 2023

Clean bill of health for Arsenal’s international stars?

By |2023-09-13T07:25:45+01:00September 13th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, friendly, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Internationals|0 Comments

Morning you lovely lot. Happy Wednesday from a tired Gooner hurtling his way towards central London on the Metropolitan Line for an all day strategy session. Could life get any more exciting, eh? Still, at least I'm not in Harry Maguire's position, because he can't get anything right, eh? I mean don't get me wrong, [...]

7 08, 2023

A nice little cup in the sunshine for The Arsenal

By |2023-08-07T08:08:09+01:00August 7th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, friendly, gooners, Gunners, Match Review, Mikel Arteta, pre season, Tactics|0 Comments

Morning all - how we all doing after yesterday's late Community Shield drama, eh? I thought it was a very interesting display in the end; plenty for us to chew over and whilst it wasn't exactly a barnstorming game, it was a fascinating one that will have had all of the tacticos salivating over two teams [...]

5 08, 2023

Arteta’s pre City comments; the most perfect Balogun ‘clause’ for Inter

By |2023-08-05T07:17:47+01:00August 5th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Arsenal Transfers, friendly, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season, press conference|0 Comments

I'll be dammed if the cat didn't decide to sit on my chest at 4am this morning and aggressively purr into my face for about 45 minutes. So I'm up at 6.20 to let the little bugger out and I thought I might as well start typing some Arsenal related waffle a little earlier than [...]

2 08, 2023

Arteta’s plans remain a mystery ahead of tonight’s game against Monaco

By |2023-08-02T07:58:54+01:00August 2nd, 2023|analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, Defence, friendly, Match Preview, midfield, Mikel Arteta, pre season, Tactics|2 Comments

Well it seems - if ol' Romano is to be believed, that the Raya deal edges closer. I will still maintain that I'm not sure it is the move for us; he's a good 'keeper but no better than Ramsdale in my opinion, Brentford want too much money for a guy with one year left [...]

27 07, 2023

Impressive and intense Arsenal show the strength of the squad against Barca

By |2023-07-27T07:47:09+01:00July 27th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, pre season|0 Comments

This is probably the weirdest post match blog I've ever written. Weird in the fact that at the time of writing, the friendly game in LA against Barcelona only finished about an hour ago and because I was in bed for the actual game (It's a school night for me, kids), it feels a little [...]

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