19 05, 2024

Feeling proud of The Arsenal today – whatever the result

By |2024-05-19T10:05:48+01:00May 19th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, Defence, History, Match Preview, premier league|0 Comments

Bleugh. Drank too much last night and here I sit on a Sunday morning with a mixture of sore head through too much red wine, as well as butterflies in my stomach through what will transpire later on this afternoon, for which I need not remind you. It all comes down to this. As Arsenal [...]

17 05, 2024

A look at Arsenal’s opponents this weekend: Everton

By |2024-05-17T07:46:51+01:00May 17th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|2 Comments

Morning folks and welcome to the last Friday pre match ramble of this Premier League season. There will be plenty of time for a review of the season and reflect on how good it is, but much like those Arsenal players having to forget whatever happens in Manchester (although we're all 99.9% in the know [...]

4 05, 2024

Don’t assume Bournemouth are on the beach, Arsenal

By |2024-05-03T09:23:09+01:00May 4th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, Match Preview, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

Another day, another 'cup final' for The Arsenal and I have to tell you, they all seem to get more intense with each passing week. I thought Wolves was bad. Then I thought Chelsea was worse. The NLD was horrible in the build up, so how do I feel EVEN MORE nervous now than I did [...]

23 04, 2024

The first half sets the narrative for Arsenal v Chelsea tonight

By |2024-04-23T09:57:34+01:00April 23rd, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

It's another match day today and another opportunity for me to get too worried and stressed ahead of yet another 'cup final' for The Arsenal, as we take on Chelsea at the Emirates in what I believe, is going to be a very tough game. These always are. Last season's felt relatively comfortable, but that's [...]

20 04, 2024

How much changes can Arteta realistically make to the team for tonight?

By |2024-04-20T09:05:55+01:00April 20th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|1 Comment

Mikel Arteta had his press conference in the afternoon yesterday and the first good news is that Timber aside, everyone is fine to play this evening. I had a look at Wolves yesterday and from what Gary O'Neill said in his press conference, there is no Neto, as he has only just come back from [...]

19 04, 2024

An Arsenal look at what Wolves could bring tomorrow

By |2024-04-19T08:41:44+01:00April 19th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league|2 Comments

Happy Friday folks. Hope you're doing well. At the time of writing Arteta is due to have his press conference in about an hour, so I think I'll pour over what he says tomorrow, whilst today have a little look at what we'll be up against tomorrow evening when we play Wolves. The big question [...]

17 04, 2024

Season-defining game for Arsenal against Bayern tonight?

By |2024-04-17T09:29:35+01:00April 17th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, Champions League, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta|0 Comments

It's the big one today and potentially a season-defining one, although I really wish that it wasn't, because I do worry what might happen if we go out tonight. That's a very real possibility, because: We do not have an amazing pedigree in Europe. We have a pretty pants record against Bayern. We've just come [...]

14 04, 2024

Villa and Emery will make this a challenge for Arsenal today

By |2024-04-14T10:55:59+01:00April 14th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, midfield, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

Morning folks and happy match day to you and yours. Let's hope it's an enjoyable one for all Gooners all over the world. But this match is far from a foregone conclusion. Aston Villa represent a very tough opponent and I have to say, whilst for the last couple of days I'vevbeen feeling good about [...]

9 04, 2024

Arsenal must remain patient and resolute – this is still Bayern

By |2024-04-09T08:18:28+01:00April 9th, 2024|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, Champions League, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, Tactics|0 Comments

Here we are boys and girls. The big one tonight. It's Bayern Munich at the Emirates and as soon as the draw was made a few weeks back, we all collectively took an intake of breath as Arsenal fans, because we all know the history of playing them in this competition. It ain't great. 12 [...]

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