Ahh the rain. And down she came. Like a metaphorical message relating to what’s happening at Arsenal right now. Not in form, not playing well, captain feels like he’s been given a rough ride from a few idiots.

Still, at least Unai Emery will bowl in to the press conference today, will tell everyone that it’s all “ok” and that “I’ve got this and I’ll sort it” and we’ll all live happily ever after…

I’d love to be able to link to the statement from Xhaka yesterday from the official site, but all that there is, is a link to the Twitter page on the homepage of the site. When you check the news feed there is no mention of it. Yet I’ve been led to believe by a couple of people I trust that the club had been preparing a statement to go on to the website. So this tells me that they have no intention of drawing too much attention to what Xhaka has said.

I can kind of understand that. The Comms Team are in a bit of a difficult situation because I don’t think this has happened quickly enough and it’s probably not what Arsenal wanted him to say. They probably wanted a simple “sorry, I shouldn’t have done that, I won’t do it again” but as I’ve already said this week I don’t really think Xhaka has too much to be sorry for. He got a shedload of abuse and is probably feeling like those idiots that abused him – especially online – aren’t deserving of an apology.

Personally I wasn’t fussed either way. I’m more concerned with what happens on that big green rectangle and what’s been happening is appalling. The best way for Xhaka to respond is to have a stormer in my opinion. He can do that on Saturday if he starts, which is the real big question here, because all eyes will be on Emery’s selection decision.

Will Emery leave him out for this week and further fuel the fire or will he get him straight back out there. Either way a lot will depend on performances on the pitch. If Xhaka doesn’t play and we are terrible, it will be another example of Unai Emery having lost the dressing room. In fact, it’s probably one of two scenarios in which Xhaka comes out well. The other is if he plays and has a blinder, but a lot of that depends on the team selection because Xhaka and Guendouzi together doesn’t work, but the problem Emery has is that he’s basically gone ‘all in’ on those two and if Xhaka plays so will Matteo. So my opinion is that if Xhaka plays on Saturday he’s got his work cut out for him to have a blinder.

If Xhaka doesn’t play and we smash Wolves it will just leave fans feeling like he’s the reason we’ve been so poor and once again he’ll be the lightning rod for Emery’s mistakes. Which if you watch Arsenal enough and have done so all season, you know that the problems we have go far deeper than Xhaka. Our defence is a shambles. Our creativity in the final third has been virtually non-existent. Our midfield has been overrun countless times. The whole composition of this Unai Emery team feels wrong and as I’ve said before and will no doubt say again, that comes down to the coach and his team who in my view, are proving day-by-day that they don’t have what it takes to succeed at a club like The Arsenal.

This whole Xhaka escapade has shown just how screwed up we are as a club and I’m sure many of us just want to get back to the football and hopefully back to winning football matches. Lord knows we’ve had enough drama and fan vitriol in the last three years. What we need is a uniting character and hope fully that will come sooner or later when they finally pull the plug on Emery.

He’ll be doing his presser today and I doubt we’ll hear very much about the Xhaka situation, as Emery will simply say the matter is closed, but we all know he is weak as a man manager and weak in his communication skills. So he’ll be probed and probed and the press conference will probably be cut short at some stage. But let’s see if he can actually say something useful about the weekend before all of the Xhaka stuff gets seized upon.

Catch you lovely people tomorrow.