9 01, 2018

Arsenal: the mess that is

By |2018-01-09T07:43:12+00:00January 9th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, Europa League, League Cup, premier league, Rant, Transfers|0 Comments

Where does one even start? At the stories (unsubstantiated of course, after all, it is The Sun) that Alex Iwobi decided to see if he could improve his form by partying until the early hours of the morning before the FA Cup game against Forest this weekend? At the noises that City are now knocking [...]

6 09, 2016

Diaby’s mental strength; Mustafi’s support network can make him great

By |2019-07-22T07:36:35+01:00September 6th, 2016|Arsenal FC, Defence, gooners, Gunners, injuries|6 Comments

Hello hello fellow gooner. Happy Tuesday to you. I hope you're getting through this international malaise by entertaining yourself with many enjoyable things. Like ham. Ham is a glorious thing, especially when it's thick-cut, so if you're a fan of the hog you should definitely eat and enjoy ham. As you've probably already guessed, there's [...]

31 07, 2016

An Arsenal-related wind up?

By |2016-07-31T11:52:22+01:00July 31st, 2016|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, Defence, Gunners, pre season|1 Comment

This has got to be a wind up, right? Arsenal linked with Johnny Evans? AS in, former United squad player, deemed surplus to requirements, plays in a pretty average West Brom side, Johnny Evans. But that we're linked, that we're even linked, isn't even the punchline. £16million. THAT'S the punchline. I don't even know where to go with [...]

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