7 08, 2019

Koscielny’s tarnished reputation and the expert way Arsenal dealt with it

By |2019-08-07T07:55:30+01:00August 7th, 2019|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, gooners, Gunners, pre season, Transfers|2 Comments

So bye-bye Koscielny as yesterday Bordeaux and Arsenal confirmed his switch to the French club after both teams agreed a few thought to be €5million. In today's market and exchange rate it's not too bad for a player who forced the clubs hands through his unprofessionalism and tantrumming by refusing to go on tour to [...]

7 07, 2019

Iwobi centrally? Koscielny offski? Who’s impressed at Borehamwood?

By |2019-07-07T10:31:55+01:00July 7th, 2019|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, pre season, soccer, Transfers|0 Comments

Been heading out for some sun, sea and plenty of white wine Douro so haven't been able to blog as much over the last few days, but given that there seems to have been the square root of bigger all happening with The Arsenal I guess I haven't really missed much. I saw Iwobi got [...]

26 05, 2019

Preparation and incentive: What Arsenal need to do to win on Wednesday night

By |2019-05-26T09:08:42+01:00May 26th, 2019|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Europa League|0 Comments

Happy Bank Holiday Sunday to those of you in the UK, enjoying the extra day off tomorrow, which means we can all have an extra cheeky beverage or two this afternoon and then take a bit of a lie in for the morning too. I wonder what the Arsenal players will be doing today. It's [...]

24 11, 2018

Kos has a lot to offer as Emery talks up young rotation

By |2018-11-24T12:23:34+00:00November 24th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Defence, gooners, Gunners, injuries, premier league, press conference, Unai Emery|0 Comments

Happy Saturday friends. How are we all doing? Feeling happy that it's the weekend? Or troubled that we have to wait one more day to get the real football back in the shape of The Arsenal? At least we had a press conference with ol' Unai giving us an update on where he thinks we're [...]

24 11, 2018

Kos has a lot to offer as Emery talks up young rotation

By |2018-11-24T09:00:51+00:00November 24th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Defence, gooners, Gunners, injuries, premier league, press conference, Unai Emery|0 Comments

Happy Saturday friends. How are we all doing? Feeling happy that it's the weekend? Or troubled that we have to wait one more day to get the real football back in the shape of The Arsenal? At least we had a press conference with ol' Unai giving us an update on where he thinks we're [...]

4 02, 2018

Arsenal’s rampant new attacking era? Everton match review

By |2018-02-15T21:48:02+00:00February 4th, 2018|analysis, Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Attack, gooners, Gunners, Match Review, premier league, Tactics|1 Comment

I thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's match from the first minute to the last. I generally hate evening kick offs on a Saturday because they pretty much ruin any chance of going out in the evening for me given travel home, etc, but if we played like that every week then i'd happily accept any time to [...]

19 01, 2018

The Arsenal good news came yesterday – but transfers got in the way

By |2018-01-19T07:13:02+00:00January 19th, 2018|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, gooners, Gunners, injuries, premier league, press conference, Transfers|0 Comments

Here we are at the end of a week in which we've lost our longest servant, are in the verge of losing arguably our best player (although that's debatable this season), still have to see any large-value replacement come in but could be on the verge of at least two very exciting transfers. It's quite [...]

21 10, 2017

The return of big guns welcome this weekend

By |2017-10-21T09:39:48+01:00October 21st, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, injuries, premier league|0 Comments

A Saturday without The Arsenal always feels a little empty but, today, I’m kind of ok with it. I’m up north visiting The Management’s family ahead of an annual family meal tomorrow and although I am a traditionalist who would want for nothing more than every team playing at 3pm on a Saturday, I can’t [...]

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