30 07, 2021

Bruno Guimaraes is the latest ‘Mystery Box’ player Arsenal fans crave

By |2021-07-30T08:33:58+01:00July 30th, 2021|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, finances, Ownership and the board, pre season, premier league, Transfers|0 Comments

In the early hours of this morning the kitten woke me up because he decided he needed some attention. So as I rubbed his head and slowly drifted back off to sleep, caught in that half world between proper slumber and being awake, my mind wandered in to this alternate world a bit like Back [...]

7 11, 2016

Frustration and nerves- the North London Derby

By |2016-11-07T08:17:28+00:00November 7th, 2016|Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Review, midfield, premier league|1 Comment

I told you I hated North London derbies. Yesterday was no exception. Worry before, nerves during, and in the case of yesterday's result it was disappointment after. The disappointment isn't because we completely outplayed a Tottenham team who don't concede many, but more that we didn't show our potential in a big game at home [...]

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