6 08, 2018

Chambers, Ramsey, Holding and fearing City – wobbly with a week to go

By |2018-08-06T07:52:19+01:00August 6th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Arsenal Transfers, contracts, Defence, gooners, Gunners, pre season, premier league, Rant, Tactics, Unai Emery|1 Comment

We're less than a week before the big kick off to the Premier League so perhaps inevitably, what with the transfer window shutting on Friday too, Arsenal are suddenly looking less than perfect when it comes to preparation with the new season. I'm talking of the Ramsey situation of course, but also of the Calum [...]

31 05, 2018

With Sokratis the defensive questions still remain

By |2018-05-31T07:49:25+01:00May 31st, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Defence, friendly, gooners, Gunners|0 Comments

Flipping heck it's muggy today. So muggy I want to sack off work, get into my swim shorts and convince the wife to fan me as I watch re-runs of the Invincibles season. British people aren't used to this kind of weather. Three piece suits aren't designed for this. As for Arsenal fans, we're also [...]

10 05, 2018

A meaningless loss still hurts

By |2018-05-10T07:47:29+01:00May 10th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Defence, gooners, Gunners, History, Match Review, premier league, Rant|0 Comments

I don't really know what more can be said about Arsenal away this season that hasn't already been spoken about time and time again this season and quite frankly, from a footballing perspective, next Monday and the end of this horrific campaign can well and truly get in the bin. I could talk about the [...]

9 05, 2018

Performance of individuals above result tonight

By |2018-05-09T08:02:02+01:00May 9th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, premier league|0 Comments

This feels like a strange ol' match day, doesn't it? It's barely registering on my internal fear-o-meter if I'm honest with you. That's largely because of the fact that unlike The Grand Old Duke of York and his 10,000 men, we can't go up or down the hill. We're just stuck in sixth. The worst [...]

6 05, 2018

Let’s experiment with youth and attacking options against Burnley

By |2018-05-06T07:59:42+01:00May 6th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Attack, Defence, Formation, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

The final home game of Arsène Wenger's reign is today and I'm sure it will be an emotional one. It'll certainly be for the manager and I'm sure he'll shed a tear or two. For me, I'm just sad that a once great manager is having his Arsenal career peter out like it is going [...]

5 05, 2018

Koscielny’s injury brings to light the massive summer rebuild task of Arsenal’s defence

By |2018-05-05T08:15:13+01:00May 5th, 2018|Arsenal FC|0 Comments

What absolutely tragic news for poor old Laurent Koscielny. Yesterday Didier Deschamps confirmed that our number one centre half would miss the World Cup and when you consider his age profile, as well as the problems he's had with his achilles in recent years, this is a crushing blow for one of our most consistent performers [...]

5 01, 2018

Arsenal transfer apathy as a Maverick Piano Man drops in

By |2018-01-05T08:12:17+00:00January 5th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, Defence, gooners, Gunners, midfield|0 Comments

Arsenal formally announced their first signing of the January transfer window and, as we should really come to expect, it was a low-key 'one for the future' that was snapped in an Arsenal shirt. So who have we got? A Konstant Maverick Piano-man by the sound of it, from PAS Gianna, which proves that not [...]

5 01, 2018

Arsenal transfer apathy as a Maverick Piano Man drops in

By |2018-01-05T08:12:01+00:00January 5th, 2018|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, Defence, gooners, Gunners, midfield|4 Comments

Arsenal formally announced their first signing of the January transfer window and, as we should really come to expect, it was a low-key 'one for the future' that was snapped in an Arsenal shirt. So who have we got? A Konstant Maverick Piano-man by the sound of it, from PAS Gianna, which proves that not [...]

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